Ionic Liquids Cartoon Ionic Liquids Funny


Room-temperature ionic liquids and their mixtures with organic solvents as lubricants open a route to control lubricity at the nanoscale via electrical polarization of the sliding surfaces. Electronanotribology is an emerging field that has a potential to realize in situ control of friction—that is, turning the friction on and off on demand. However, fulfilling its promise needs more research. Here we provide an overview of this emerging research area, from its birth to the current state, reviewing the main achievements in non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations and experiments using atomic force microscopes and surface force apparatus. We also present a discussion of the challenges that need to be solved for future applications of electrotunable friction.


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F.B, A.A.K. and M.U. thank the Leverhulme Trust for the award of research grant number RPG-2016-223. M.U. acknowledges the financial support of the Israel Science Foundation under grant number 1141/18 and the binational programme of the National Science Foundation of China and Israel Science Foundation under grant number 3191/19. S.P. acknowledges support from the European Research Council under grant number 676861. We also thank R. Bennewitz for sharing high-resolution versions Figs. 2a and 3b.

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F.B., A.A.K., S.P. and M.U. conceived the idea of writing this Review, devised its general structure, designed the figures and contributed to the writing.

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Correspondence to Fernando Bresme, Alexei A. Kornyshev, Susan Perkin or Michael Urbakh.

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Bresme, F., Kornyshev, A.A., Perkin, S. et al. Electrotunable friction with ionic liquid lubricants. Nat. Mater. (2022).

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