Corned Beef Hash
Our recipes for Corned Beef Hash is made two ways one with hash browns and the other with mashed potatoes and both equally as delicious.

Years ago this can of corned beef was a delicious meal for many families here in Newfoundland and Labrador, time were hard and this can of corned beef would feed many mouths a long with other ingredients. Now don't get me wrong we had more food then this can of corned beef but this was the base to a delicious meal, like this recipe we would have, potatoes, onions, homemade bread. My dad was a organic vegetable farmer and we had lots of fresh vegetables in summer and fall and at winter and spring was freshly frozen veggies.

Corned Beef Hash
Canned corned beef and made into a delicious meal for anytime of the day.


Corned Beef Hash
Hash browns and fried onions, fried corned beef and topped with green onion.
Corned Beef Hash
Cooked mashed potatoes, fried onions, fried corned beef and topped with green onion.

So the only difference between those to meals is the potatoes is boiled and mashed and the hash browns and baked with butter until crispy but prepared the same way. How cool is this, so we hope you have enjoyed our recipes today for both meals and for the same thing. Thank you for taking the time to read our blog and please leave us a message before you go. SO FROM OUR KITCHEN TO YOURS, thank you for joining us and have a wonderful day. 🙂 Bonita, RMHussey Productions and Team.

Corned Beef Hash
Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful day.

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